Summer Practice Bingo

When I started teaching 11 years ago, I didn't have any trouble getting my students to practice over the summer.

I'd give them an assignment, write a little practice log in their books, and they'd come back the next week with their work complete.

Then a few years ago, something changed and I started hearing excuses..."I didn't have time", "I was at camp all day", "We went away for the weekend"...instead of music.

So, over the past few summers, I've given my students fun and new ways to practice.

This year my students will be completing "Summer of Music Bingo". I don't remember where I got the idea from, but it was a few years ago and I'm excited to finally be using it!

Here's what's expected:
Students must get bingo twice. They color in the square when they've completed the activity and we go over it together at every lesson.

Every activity they complete will earn them a sticker on their cards -- see this post -- and the student(s) with the most activities completed at the end of August will receive a surprise at their summer piano party (more on that later).

That's it.

Some of the activities will take them a few days or weeks to work on and of course there's a free space to help them through. My goal for this, as it is with most of my practice incentives, is to encourage consistency in my students practice habits.

Want your own copy of "Summer of Music Bingo"? Download the pdf here
