Summer Camp - Crochet to Classics

Last week we held "Crochet to Classics" camp, the first of 2 summer camps we're having at the academy.

The group was smaller than I originally thought it would be, but it worked out for the best since I was able to spend more focused time on each child. We all had a great time!

Here's a little of what we did:


Day 1: slip knot, foundation chain & single crochet: We spent the first day learning about the different ways to make a slip knot, how to chain and single crochet working with various weighted yarns. These girls are Rock Stars!

Day 2: Single crochet headbands & beanies: Both girls wanted to use the same color for their beanies, but different colors on their headbands, so I started one on her beanie and the other on her headband then they switched. Helping both of them work on two different patterns was a nice challenge for me.

Day 3: Beanies & pattern reading/writing: This was a busy day of finishing our beanies and learning how to put crochet terminology into patterns.

Day 4: Granny Squares: Our final day together was originally going to be spent making an octopus, but the girls wanted something a little more practical, so I taught them how to make a granny square.

At the end of cap, each girl went home with a bag full of yarn, crochet hooks, crochet starter kit and a boat load of ideas.  

Our next camp will be "Rhythm Cups Camp" from August 1st - 4th. If you'd like to sign up, please visit our website to register:
I love the "is this recording?" look :)
